Course Outline

Mercer’s Intermediate AI course builds on the foundational knowledge from the Beginner course, diving deeper into the capabilities of ChatGPT and its application in small business operations. Learn more about program details:

Module Description
One Advanced NLP Concepts for Business (45 minutes)

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER)

  • Topic Modeling
  • Sentiment Analysis in Business Context
Two Deep Dive into ChatGPT Capabilities (45 minutes)

  • Customizing ChatGPT Responses

  • Integrating ChatGPT with Other Tools (e.g., CRM, Email, Social Media)
  • Automation: Chatbots and Workflow Automation with ChatGPT
Three Developing Business-Specific Use Cases (1 hour)

  • Use Case 1: Automating Customer Service Responses

  • Use Case 2: Generating Marketing Content and Email Campaigns
  • Use Case 3: Analyzing Customer Feedback with ChatGPT
Four Hands-on Workshop: Building a ChatGPT-Driven Solution (1 hour 15 minutes)

  • Case Study: Developing a ChatGPT Integration for a Small Business

  • Group Activity: Design a ChatGPT Workflow for a Specific Business Need
  • Implementation Tips and Tricks
Five Troubleshooting and Optimizing ChatGPT Performance (30 minutes)

  • Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
  • Tips for Maximizing Efficiency and Accuracy
  • Q&A Session