Course Outline

Mercer’s Beginner AI program serves as a gateway into the world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and ChatGPT, providing small business owners and professionals with a foundational understanding of these powerful tools. Learn more about program details:

Module Description
One Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) (45 minutes)

  • Definition and Overview of NLP

  • Key Concepts in NLP: Tokenization, Lemmatization, Sentiment Analysis, etc

  • Real-world Applications of NLP in Businesses

Two Introduction to ChatGPT (30 minutes)

  • What is ChatGPT?

  • Overview of How ChatGPT Works (Basic understanding of AI and Language Models)

  • Use Cases of ChatGPT in Small Businesses

Three Setting Up and Using ChatGPT (1 hour)

  • Creating an Account and Accessing ChatGPT

  • Basic Commands and Interactions with ChatGPT

  • Example Scenarios: Customer Support, Content Creation, Basic Automation

Four Best Practices for Using ChatGPT in Small Business (1 hour)

  • Crafting Effective Prompts

  • Handling Common Issues and Errors

  • Ethical Considerations and Limitations

Five Hands-on Practice and Q&A (45 minutes)

  • Guided Exercises: Creating Prompts for Business Scenarios

  • Group Discussion: Potential Use Cases in Participant’s Businesses

  • Q&A Session